Are you entering or coming out of your 40s, 50s, 70s, 90s and have a desire to take your health to another level?  I can help you in the area of “Healthy Aging” by working with you to implement changes over a period of time to improve your Lifestyle “how we live”, Exercise “how we move” , Attitude “how we think”, and Nutrition “how we eat”.   All four have an important role in helping us to live a longer, healthy, vibrant life.  If you are interested in implementing these changes you are in the right place.

Let’s start here, (check all that apply): I am here because I ….

1. am having challenges managing my weight, it creeps up year after year;
2. feeling  exhausted decreased energy level;
3. experiencing bodily pain, slower recovery from exercising;
4. have a weak immune system; increase in medication;
5. have a desire to take control of my health and live a healthier life;
6. want to learn more about nutrition.

My Why

When it comes to health, my family is important to me.  Every day I thank God for keeping my family healthy and enjoying life.  When a family member or close friend has health challenges it affects the whole family;   you feel each other’s pain.

Why did I become a health coach? I experienced the surprise of my life when I started transitioning through my 40s. I had no warning how to prepare for the expected changes. I thought having a primary care physician who’s specialty was in the area of geriatric would help. I was wrong. While in my late 40s, I started experiencing muscle and joint pain in my legs especially when waking up in the morning.   I shared this with my doctor and he said: “let’s face it, you are getting old” . I left his office with no recommendations or suggestions.

For the next several years, I believed the pain along with the deterioration of my health was part of the aging process that I had to learn to live with.  It was not planned, but I started eating healthier by adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet. When I say more, it was a variety of 20 daily servings. I also started walking more each day and drinking water. I soon realized my health was getting better and better.   Seeing the positive results stated my health journey and mission to encourage others to take control of their health.

Master Certified Health Coach

In order to educate myself and add value as a health coach, I attended the Wellness Institute for certification under Dr. Pam Popper and the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute for various certifications in the area of children’s health, prime time health, and moms to be.  I also received certification for diabetes education and empowerment from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 


I am also an author of  “Voice Life – Living The Abundant Life Beyond 3 Score and 10”.   The book was written to inspire you to live a healthy, vibrant life with purpose, beyond 80 years old. Did you know the average life span is supposed to be 120?

A few random facts about me. 

My husband’s name is Truly and when we attend events together he introduces me as Sincerely and states he has a sister name Yours.

Truly and I have been married for over 25 years.  He is my best friend and biggest supporter.  We are traveling on this journey of a healthier us together.

I thank God every day for my health and strength and strive to be a good steward over what God has blessed me with, which includes my health, family, and friends.

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call

As a master certified health and wellness coach, my passion is helping people to take control of their health instead of accepting it as the norm, to find a sustainable healthy balance by implementing better eating habits, nutrition, exercising, and relieving stress.  It is God’s desire for us to be in good health and live a full, healthy, vibrant life.  Would you like to discuss how we can work together to help you achieve your health and wellness plans?  Contact me for a free 20-30 minute discovery call.